The Kabbalah of the Ari Z'al, According to the Ramhal Rabbi Moshe Hayim Luzzatto
By Moshe H.ayyim Luzzatto, Raphae"l Afilalo
This book is a summary of the master work of the Ari Z'al; "The Etz Hayim" (The Tree of Life). It describes the evolution of the worlds, the Sephirot and their various configurations, in a clear and concise language, which only retains the essential. Divided into ten chapters, it starts with the first manifestation of the creation, the superior worlds, the Sephirot, the guidance of these worlds and the systems of reincarnation of the souls.
Kabbalah Editions (2004) - Hardback - 288 pages -
ISBN-10: 2923241010
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