Ani Maamin: A Mission for Life

Ani Maamin: A Mission for Life


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Understanding Rambam’s 13 Ikkarim and Bringing Them Into Our Lives

The 13 Ikarei Emunah, the iconic “Ani Maamins” -- appear in our siddurim, and many of us recite them every day after tefillah. And yet ... do we understand what they mean in our own everyday lives and actions?

In this thoughtful work, Rabbi Yechezkel Elias examines each of the 13 Ikarei Emunah. Using contemporary examples that we can all understand and relate to, he makes the often difficult concepts contained in the 13 Ikarim clear, comprehensible -- and very, very relevant. Each Ikar is followed by a section titled How does this affect my daily life?, which shows us how to put these foundational beliefs into practice in our own lives.

The Ani Maamin Initiative was created l’ilui nishmas the bachur Dovi Steinmetz a’h, one of the 45 precious neshamos who lost their lives in the Meron Lag B’Omer tragedy. Created by Dovi’s father, Reb Shloimi Steinmetz, the Initiative has successfully encouraged thousands to say the 13 Ikarei Emunah, which appear in most siddurim, every day. As part of the Initiative, R’ Yechezkel Elias gave a series of shiurim on each of the 13 Ikarei Emunah, which form the basis of this beautifully presented book.

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